Rick Neeft

Decorators DotNet Dependency Injector

What is the decorator pattern Using decorator is a great way to add responsibilities to a set of classes or specific classes without needing to modify the class itself. The decorator implements th...

Special DateTime value retriever

I use Specflow a lot. It is a simple way to describe specifications for a software system. Working with days, however, never look nice in Gherkin style. Consider the following given: Given a user...

Rename the 'Title' in SharePoint list

Sometimes you would like to rename the Title field in a SharePoint List. For example: in a list of Countries where the title should be named Country Code. In SharePoint, this is easy to change: ...

Filter Active Tasks by [Me] And [Me] as Group Member

When you want an overview of your active tasks in a SharePoint task list, you can create a view where you set a filter to the Assigned To property to [Me] and the Status property to Not Equals to “...

Don't step into that exception

While debugging your .NET code, you might want your debugger to step over some code instead of into it. This can be very useful while (user interface) testing. This code snippet throws an exception...